one-bar annotation ggplot
X, = NULL, = NULL,
angle = F,
num = T,
flip = F,
hide.legend = T,
get.legend = F,
legend.pos = "top",
ratio = 0.03,
tile.col = NULL,
tile.size = 0.01,
mar = 0.015,
cols = NULL,
limits = NULL,
ncol = 1,
patchwork = T,
widths = c(9, 1),
guides = "collect",
named character vector of observations and groups (names); or a dataframe with first two columns as observations and groups.
logical indicating whether to angle title if flip = T. Default: T
enumerate observations on x axis? Default: T
observations along y axis instead of x? Default: F
logical. Default: T
character string. See legend.position in ggplot2::theme for details. Default: 'top'
aspect ratio. If flip = T, ratio = 1/ratio.. Default: 0.03
see plot.margin in ggplot2::themes for details. Default: 0.015
custom colour palette. Option to name colours by groups to choose individual group colours. Default: NULL
annomap title. Default: NULL
x axis (observations) title (e.g. 'cells'). Default: NULL
numeric value specifying different qualitative brewer palettes. See ggplot2::scale_fill_brewer for details. Default: 1
set to NULL to remove x axis tick marks. Default: ggplot2::waiver()
character vector with groups. Changing the order changes the assignment of colours to groups. Default: names(cols)